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Version: 1.0.0


Troubleshoot problems with this comprehensive breakdown of all error codes.

Error schema

We use standard HTTP response codes for success and failure notifications, and our errors are further classified by type.


  • Status code: 400
  • Message: Body is necessary.
  • Suggested action: Ensure that the request body is not empty.


  • Status code: 422
  • Messages:
    • "field" is required
    • "email" must be a valid email
    • "phone" contains an invalid value
  • Suggested action: Ensure that the request body is valid, and all required fields are present.


  • Status code: 422
  • Message: Subscriber email is necessary.
  • Suggested action: Ensure that the subscriber email is present in the request.


  • Status code: 409
  • Message: Subscriber already exists.
  • Suggested action: Check if the subscriber already exists before creating a new one.


  • Status code: 404
  • Message: Subscriber not found.
  • Suggested action: Check if the subscriber exists before using it.


  • Status code: 404
  • Message: Segmentation list not found.
  • Suggested action: Check if the segmentation list exists before using it.


  • Status code: 500
  • Message: Internal server error.
  • Suggested action: Contact support if the error persists.