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Create a subscriber



Create a new subscriber


Header Parameters

    x-developer-mode boolean

    Enable developer mode. Learn more here.

    x-api-key stringrequired

    Your API key



Subscriber object

    email emailrequired

    Subscriber email address

    phone phone

    Subscriber phone number. It follows the E.164 format.

    name string

    Subscriber name

    status string

    Possible values: [free_subscriber, paid_subscriber, unsubscribed_subscriber]

    Subscriber status

    customFields object[]

    List of custom fields. Each custom field has a label, and value.

  • Array [
  • label string

    Custom field label

    value string

    Custom field value

  • ]
  • segmentationLists string[]

    List of segmentation lists IDs. You can get the ID by calling our support team.


Subscriber created.

    data object
    id string
    email emailrequired

    Subscriber email address

    phone phone

    Subscriber phone number. It follows the E.164 format.

    name string

    Subscriber name

    status string

    Possible values: [free_subscriber, paid_subscriber, unsubscribed_subscriber]

    Subscriber status

    customFields object[]

    List of custom fields. Each custom field has a label, and value.

  • Array [
  • id string

    Custom field ID

    label string

    Custom field label

    value string

    Custom field value

  • ]
  • segmentationLists string[]

    List of segmentation lists IDs. You can get the ID by calling our support team.

    blacklistedAt date-time

    Subscriber blacklisted date

    unsubscribedAt date-time

    Subscriber unsubscribed date

    createdAt date-time

    Subscriber creation date

    updatedAt date-time

    Subscriber update date

    requestId string